Tropical Luau Kon-Tiki Tick-Tock The New Year’s Eve Fiesta

The clocks are ticking and it is indeed the final countdown to New Year’s Eve 2016! The festivities are on the way as sure as the Halley’s Comet is, although not all of us will be able to enjoy that, since it’s going to be visible in 2061.

However there is still excitement waiting for us in the near future! Put away your coats and mittens and hats, because in Alchemia we do not like the cold! Frangrant vapours and steam is already rising from our couldrons, and though we haven’t managed to create gold yet, some pretty potent beverages are brewing up nicely. The weather forecast is: DAMN HOT!

This year’s special guest is:

Rolland Marguez – a 14-member brass band from Paris, France

Also, the guys that will make your hips dislocate and your dancing shoes catch fire, are the famous djs:

Kaj’t /Estropical – Check Out The Groove/

Funklore /Estropical – MLDVA/

Gretzky /Bassowa Krowa – Remont Basu – DJ Gretzky Band/

Darecki /Alchemia Crew/

Our tropical fiesta will include sounds from South America, the Caribbean, the Canary Islands and the Iberian Peninsula, we will also travel to the Balkans and the Near East. And when we get tired of that, we will revisit some good old funky, disco and house music, as well as any other electronic genre or even jazz, wherever our mood carries us…


1st batch: 50 PLN

2nd batch: 65 PLN

3rd batch: 80 PLN

Nothing more to add than:


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