Free The Dance

22 Apr 20:00
4114 days ago Monday
Free The Dance
For the first time this year, the series Free The Dance returns to Alchemia on the 22nd of April, 20:00. Free The Dance, an initiative and concept by Małgorzata Haduch&Unfinished Company- is a series of performances with participation of improvisers- musicians and dancers.

The artists deepen the art of improvisation in the union music and contemporary dance.

The focus of their artistic research is how to create different ways of  relationship between movement and music. Above all, it is an attempt to free the mind, transformation of energies and experience of ever-changing reality.

In the new series Free The Dance focuses on intimate duets and small compositions. It is always an encounter of exceptional stage personalities, borderless imagination performed by experienced improvisers.

In April we invite you for a performance by a guest dancer Manuela Tessi from Netherlands/Italy, drummer Vasco Trilla from Spain and Polish artists: Michał Dymny (guitar), Paulina Owczarek (sax), Malgorzata Haduch (dance) and Przemek Kamiński (dance)

more info

Tickets 20 zł

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